hi!:•) im working on learning html/css and this website is a work in progress, so sorry if anything breaks! this site is not made for mobile.
purple is my favorite color, and hackers (1995) is my favorite movie ever. some of my current interests are learning to code (extremely slowly), liminal horror, and minecraft. i love to draw:D and my favorite music artists right now are the crane wives, tyler, the creator, and everybody's worried about owen!
-add links to side column -add more to list -add library for side link with interactive -add more to about me -get site icon to work -move 2 gifs -add more gifs -add music player -side columns: ocean animals, my art, library? for stuff i like? photos that are cool? -make an add sitemap page -ruminate on a potential photos blog? -add more blinkies, stamps, stickers, gifs, etc:D
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